Doors of oblivion morrowind
Doors of oblivion morrowind

I will never forget that vault, not for its look which was plain and unadorned, but for what you couldn't see. In an underground vault, he summoned Daedra to interview them on their native land, and for that he needed another Conjurer to make certain they came, were bound, and were sent away again without incident. Zenas too was a Master of Conjuration - indeed, a Master at all the known and unknown Schools - but he did not want to rely on his ability alone in the most perilous of his research. I possessed the three attributes he required for the position: I was young and eager to help without question I could read any book once and memorize its contents and, despite my youth, I was already a Master of Conjuration. Twelve years before Zenas began the journey he had prepared his life to make, he hired me as his assistant. He divided his time between this research and personal magickal growth, on the assumption that should he succeed in finding a way into the dangerous world beyond and behind ours, he would need much power to wander its dark paths. He did not want conjecture, he wanted facts.įor decades before and after the publication of 'On Oblivion,' Zenas compiled a vast personal library on the subject of Oblivion, the home of the Daedra. Despite many entreaties over the years, he refused to update his classic book with his new discoveries and theories because he found that the more one delves into these realms, the less certain one is. You have heard of him as the author of the book 'On Oblivion,' the standard text for all on matters Daedric.

doors of oblivion morrowind doors of oblivion morrowind

The greatest mage who ever lived was my master Morian Zenas. "When thou enterest into Oblivion, Oblivion entereth into thee." - Nai Tyrol-Llar

Doors of oblivion morrowind