Windows notification not going away
Windows notification not going away

While when the motion camera is being unresponsive, such as motion detection not working, detecting motion but not recording, or delay in motion capture, what should you do? For homeowners, getting notified and know what's happening around the premise is important. They are supposed to install the updates during the day and restart their PC to complete the updates installation before they initiate these long-running processes, but if they don't see the updates notification, they won't know updates are ready to be installed.Motion detection is a must-have feature of a smart home security system. The installation deadlines are already outside of normal business hours, but if they didn't know the machine was going to restart that night, they may leave unsaved data open when they leave for the day or else leave some long-running process running overnight that will be ruined even if the system reboots at 3AM. Leaving it in the control of your users is a bad idea, this is one of the reasons MS introduced Windows to be able to select the times based on users activities and why patches are now no longer user controllable. This is why you should be centrally managing them, and setting GPO to they do not reboot during active hours, this disables rebooting during the hours you specify, by default I believe this is 8am and 5pm, windows will not reboot for patches during these hours, this applies to 1607 builds, but if you are managing these devices, you can specify reboot times. Many users would rather just install the updates manually before the automatic installation deadline and manually reboot while they are at work rather than have their workstation automatically rebooting overnight and perhaps hanging and making it impossible to access their work PC remotely if they are telecommuting the day after Windows Updates install.

windows notification not going away

They need to to know when the updates are coming so that the workstation doesn't reboot with little or no warning while they have unsaved data open.

Windows notification not going away